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Map taxi stands and map taxi sharing points

On this page you will find an interactive map of the city of Rimini where you can find the locations of our taxi ranks with information relating to the times and uptime. Or a map of the collection points Taxi Sharing operational during the course of the most important fairs.

Warning: The operating hours indicated for the spaces are subject to change and changes at the last minute based on our business needs as well as the presence of taxis at the stand could not be guaranteed. The times indicated are therefore considered indicative, to get more secure information please contact us at +39054150020

Using device GPS

When the device that is displaying this page has GPS, it will be possible, activating it, see your location on the map. In the bottom left corner if the signal will be good you will also see a APPROXIMATE address, where you are.
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Stands Sharing Info
Click on [GPS] to activate geolocation!
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